Old Standard Font

About Old Standard Font
Old Standard Font is a Professional font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 23,996 times and added to 347 collections. 10 people have liked Old Standard Font and given it a thumbs up.
Old Standard Font was recently updated on Aug 28, 2019
6 font family styles
Regular Style
TT Regular Style
Bold Style
TT Bold Style
Italic Style
TT Italic Style
More info from Alexey Kryukov
Old Standard is my multilingual font family, supposed to be a good companion for Thessalonica. It is based on Russian and German editions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and reproduces the so-called "Modern" style, extremely popular in its time, but almost completely abandoned later. This project is currently most mature and stable, although still has a large field for improvements. The Old Standard font family currently includes three shapes (regular, italic and bold) and has more than 1400 glyphs in the regular version.
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Related Styles
I absolutley adore this font.
A Bold italic was never intended, must be added
For an antique style of this font, check out Century Modern by Cioroianu Stefan