Accanthis ADF Std Font
About Accanthis ADF Std Font
Accanthis ADF Std Font is a Sabon font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 14,564 times and added to 160 collections. 5 people have liked Accanthis ADF Std Font and given it a thumbs up.
Accanthis ADF Std Font was recently updated on Feb 22, 2012
12 font family styles
Bold Style
postscript 290 glyphs 295 characters
Bold Italic Style
postscript 290 glyphs 295 characters
Italic Style
postscript 290 glyphs 295 characters
No2 Bold Style
postscript 290 glyphs 295 characters
No2 Bold Italic Style
postscript 291 glyphs 295 characters
No2 Italic Style
postscript 290 glyphs 295 characters
No2 Regular Style
postscript 288 glyphs 295 characters
No3 Bold Style
postscript 290 glyphs 295 characters
No3 Bold Italic Style
postscript 290 glyphs 295 characters
No3 Italic Style
postscript 290 glyphs 295 characters
No3 Regular Style
postscript 289 glyphs 295 characters
Regular Style
postscript 289 glyphs 295 characters
More info from Arkandis Digital Foundry
This collection is particularly suitable for text, display, or presentations neat and stylish.
Can serve as an alternative to fonts such as Garamond, Galliard, Horley Old Style, Sabon, and Bembo.
License Info
cool humanist typefaces!
Great work!