Penelope Anne Font

About Penelope Anne Font
Penelope Anne Font is a Thin font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 347,789 times and added to 3,966 collections. 76 people have liked Penelope Anne Font and given it a thumbs up.
Penelope Anne Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
Medium Style
More info from ByTheButterfly
***** TERMS OF USE *****
Thank you for interest in my font :) My fonts are free for personal use only. If you are interested
in commercial use, you can buy the license at OR contact me @ BYTHEBUTTERFLY@GMAIL.COM to get the AFFORDABLE prices. You may redistribute my fonts on your site as
long as you give credit to as the original creator. Donations are ALWAYS welcome :)
License Info
Commercial licenses
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@MiffinFonts Thats ok hon!! I will message you for sure so I can explain it better, but I hand write them all, and I tweak them in fontcreator.. sometimes photoshop or illustrator 😄
Birthday invites. 'nuf said 😉
@Nate547 Aww, you inviting me to you bday!! LOL... jk 😄 Thanks Nate!!!
This is great - thanks 😄
@hevbee Thank you <3
I absolutely <3 this! It is so simple and beautiful. Cannot wait to use it! Thank you!
@KhrysKreations Thank you!! I hope you enjoy it 😄
Love your fonts! I use a macbook air, do you know how I can get the different symbols with my keyboard? I dont have keys you describe!
@Elinpaalandet Oohh, I am not sure 😕 May want to google the alternative keys to those for MAC vs windows. I plan on getting a MAC this year, and will have a table for both operating systems. Sorry I couldnt be of more help 😕
realy sexy
I love this font!
ahhhh!!! i love it!
I love all your fonts! They are amazingly eye-grabbing!
Your fonts are my fave.
I think this is my favorite font of all fonts. Very simplistic and neat.
Dayum girl i love this so much!! My sister is going to love this!!
I love your fonts so much but it makes me sad that when I download it, and try to open it, it says Application Not Found. :c And are these for the actual computer keyboard, or your phone?
YES. this font is just super. It makes wanna fly to the moon and back I heart it honestly
this is my new favorite font and I use it EVERYWHERE! thanks so much!!!
This font is SO amazing! GOOD JOB!!!
@EpicEmma229 ik ik ik ik
dats how i feel doeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
:) this is awesome!
Another awesome font! So, I was you write all these letters on paper and scan them? Do you tweak them at all to make them straighter? Sorry to bombard you with so many Just want to learn how I can improve 😄