Darrians Frames Font
About Darrians Frames Font
Darrians Frames Font is a Borders font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 167,104 times and added to 1,045 collections. 28 people have liked Darrians Frames Font and given it a thumbs up.
Darrians Frames Font was recently updated on Aug 30, 2007
2 font family styles
Regular Style
Two Regular Style
License Info
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@spkebdidbeauty It should be able to, just make the font a REALLY large size
@luz hello there simple how??.. I tried to let me ask you this when im in a document how can i open this frame up ? Or is it another program it works with?
@spkebdidbeauty You can use the font in programs like Notepad, Microsoft Word, Photoshop, etc... Basically you'd choose the font and make the size large enough to surround your document
Hey thanks ...My font size only goes up to 72 thats not enough to frame a page..... or am I doing something wrong? I'm still in the learning stages. I'm very geatreful for your response, Thank you very much.
@spkebdidbeauty Sometimes, depending on the program, you can just type in a bigger size in the box instead of picking from the ones they list.
@Lety You have to install the whole font, and then type the letter for the frame you want.
Thank you for the fabulous frame fonts 😄
hello can you please tell me if this font frame can be used for a whole page? If so how do I do it? Cathy tyvm