Cookie Monster Font

About Cookie Monster Font
Cookie Monster Font is a Cute font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 803,107 times and added to 10,624 collections. 612 people have liked Cookie Monster Font and given it a thumbs up.
Cookie Monster Font was recently updated on Dec 10, 2020
Medium Style
More info from Des
inbox me for comercial use
This font is free for personal use. Please contact me at for commercial use of this font. Please donate any amount to my paypal account every little bit helps me :)
License Info
Commercial licenses
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thank u
@des805 plss can u let me know how to copy this font
cara ngopy nya bagaimana? 😃
Hi! I downloaded this font and used it in one of my movies! Is it ok if i use the font on my youtube videos? thanks!
cool and cute !!xxx
Why cant i download any of the fonts? when i download it. it says cannot open file.
Would it be okay if I used this font in one of my online stories?? (wanted to asked before I posted the story :3)
I use this font 4 EVERYTHING! Thanks 4 all the fonts u created! 😄
could we print it?
I like this one especially when used with COLOR's!
I don't mean to annoy but I have drawn an idea for a font I really would like to upload but idk how to actually make the font and be able to post it... Would you mind helping me out?? Thanks so much!! @des805
coool 😄
thats girly alright like
Sooo Coool I love it 😃
simply right click, and copy. Then paste where ever you like! BOOM!
can i use this for my yearbook cover
very nice ! *_*
Looking at this font totally make me want to eat COOKIES!!!! This font is awesome thank you!! >.<
Cute! i love it!
love it
Do you make the bestest fonts ever or something?
I use this font all the time. It's fantastic for anything - birthday cards, posters, you name it.
Lovin it!
cute 😄
really good
Love it!
I really love this one 5 stars from me ! 😄
this is an awesome font
I agree what an amazing font 😄
love it
Love this font i used it a lot thx
@cobblerelf123 same
Love It
Luv this font so much ❤️
so cute 😃
OMFG this font DOE!!!! i can't even with this lamo (lmao xDDDD) :3
me to
Once I donate, I can use the font does the designer has to give me permission first?
@rubiicastiio yes
love dis font soooo much !!! XD xp
Hi, Love this font!! How ever did you think of it?!
Nice font bro.
sooooo CUTE! i really love it
This font is cool and cute! LOVE it!
@Blossom463 Hi!! I used to ADORE the PowerPuff Girls when I was little!! Is Blossom your real name? Sorry, side tracked xx I agree that this is a spectacular font!! Well Done!! 😄
To Jack, odd question but are you Teigan? 😄
Jacksepticeye. I just wondered if you are or if you knew a gir named Teigan? Sorry if you dont shes just a od freind of mine and she always called hersef Daisy May Taylor when we used to hang out,again sorry if you dont.
hi xx No my name is not Teigan, soz xx
Oh okay thanks anyway, hope we can be friends anyway. 😄
@JayEast333 Wait, r u taliking bout Teigan Head/ Ash?
This font saved my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks awesome <3
Thank u!!!!11!!!!!!! This font literally SAVED MY LIFE LAMO. XD XD XD <3 Teigan can you be my friend as well??????
Beautiful font! Thanks!
thank you 😘
This was perfect for my class poster!
this perfect! im using it for a card 4 my friend!
This font is sooooo cute
I'm using it for a school project
Not really
But I would I already finished
Nostalgic font!! It reminds me of writing bits to my friends. I love it!
ohh so sweet)
this is so cool and i would use this font anytime when i am typing UwU please make more fonts like this <3 stay safe me friend! 😄
i'm gonna comment i am bored i keep looking at the old comments i wish they were on but i really like your fonts! do more! stay safe <3 also can you make font drawings? that's my question okay i have to go stay safe sweetheart! :3 ps. make more!! thank you for reading UwU 😃 buh- bye!
i coment to much! -w-
so cute i would love using this softmoon im always board 😑, i wish i found this earlier
this is really good!
This was sooooo helpful!!! TYSMMMM
Thank chu! This helped mee!
i love it
omg this font slays the only problem is my science teacher cant read it witch is not ur fault at all
I LOVE it keep up the good work
I love this font its great!!