Montserrat Font

About Montserrat Font
Montserrat Font is a Sans Serif font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 368,995 times and added to 3,476 collections. 107 people have liked Montserrat Font and given it a thumbs up.
Montserrat Font was recently updated on Sep 20, 2019
18 font family styles
Thin Style
Thin Italic Style
ExtraLight Style
ExtraLight Italic Style
Light Style
Light Italic Style
Regular Style
Italic Style
Medium Style
Medium Italic Style
SemiBold Style
SemiBold Italic Style
Bold Style
Bold Italic Style
ExtraBold Style
ExtraBold Italic Style
Black Style
Black Italic Style
More info from Julieta Ulanovsky
The old posters and signs in the traditional neighborhood of Buenos Aires called Montserrat inspired me to design a typeface that rescues the beauty of urban typography from the first half of the twentieth century. The goal is to rescue what is in Montserrat and set it free, under a free, libre and open source license, the SIL Open Font License.
As urban development changes this place, it will never return to its original form and loses forever the designs that are so special and unique. To draw the letters, I rely on examples of lettering in the urban space. Each selected example produces its own variants in length, width and height proportions, each adding to the Montserrat family. The old typographies and canopies are irretrievable when they are replaced.
There are other revivals, but those do not stay close to the originals. The letters that inspired this project have work, dedication, care, color, contrast, light and life, day and night! These are the types that make the city look so beautiful.
This is the Regular family, and it has two sister families so far, Alternates and Subrayada families.
Updated in 2017:
Version 7.200
- Google commissioned Jacques Le Bailly @fonthausen to do an extensive revision of the latin character set.
- We applied a new weight distribution across the variables.
- Now Montserrat has extended Cyrillic support (GF Cyrillic Pro).
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License Info
Related Styles
this is great! 😄
HEy guys I also have a font , you can see and download it if you like , maybe can post some comments if yo like 😃
AMAZING! How have I gotten this far in life without this font?? Great work, the bold is exactly what I was looking for!
coling. A great favorite. Very useful.
Great Font! How do I give you credit on my blog for using the font? Thanks!
Love it! Had my website done in this font.
Like it!
Oh... snap... Is it just me or is this the 2nd-most awesome sans ever (behind Ubuntu Bold o/c 😉