Deansgate Condensed Font

About Deansgate Condensed Font
Deansgate Condensed Font is a Condensed font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,243 times and added to 57 collections. 3 people have liked Deansgate Condensed Font and given it a thumbs up.
Deansgate Condensed Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
Bold Style
More info from K-Type
Deansgate and Deansgate Condensed are based on the clearest and most distinctive of the sans-serif letterforms used on Manchester street nameplates, and easily identified by a pointy Z and pointed middle vertices on M and W.
The Bold weights of each family are perfect for signage, with almost monoweight strokes designed for easy reading, close up or at distance, and with the legible, slightly ’squarified’ round shapes normally associated with grotesque faces. The new lowercase tips the hat to the Transport fonts, and the regular weights transfer the clarity of the Bold faces to Deansgate’s text fonts which are ideal for use on the web or in print. Each family also includes an Italic and a Bold Italic.