Carnivalee Freakshow Font

About Carnivalee Freakshow Font
Carnivalee Freakshow Font is a Carnival font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 716,148 times and added to 3,710 collections. 105 people have liked Carnivalee Freakshow Font and given it a thumbs up.
Carnivalee Freakshow Font was recently updated on Feb 21, 2020
2 font family styles
Regular Style
Demo Regular Style
License Info
Related Styles
awesome, i saw this font from a friend he used it in his school projects. I like the way is presented on how to use a font like transparency on texture paper
Very nice font. The Stars used in punctuation is a very nice touch. Thanks
I am very into Circus' atm and I LOVE this font! I went on google images and found pictures of it as it was used and I thought I need that ha. Not for any particular reason except I love it 😄
can i use this font for commercial use?
@Angelsfan4life It says OK for commercial use, but if in doubt, try the contact the designer button up above.
I love It!
the right one for our cicus show
this is gold
Love this font so much. I tried contacting the designer for Commercial rights but the email bounced. Hope it's still okay to use this commercially
Can we use on our site?
I am wondering if this is okay to use commercially? I see it is a freeware license so I am assuming if it is available for commercial use, I would need to purchase it?
can this also be in a JEF embroidery format
very nice