Watermelon Script Font

About Watermelon Script Font
Watermelon Script Font is a Cursive font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 658,126 times and added to 8,729 collections. 230 people have liked Watermelon Script Font and given it a thumbs up.
Watermelon Script Font was recently updated on May 28, 2021
Regular Style

More info from Misti's Fonts
Terms Of Use and Commercial Licensing: http://mistifonts.com/watermelon-script/
License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles

@SheilaJMoseley Thanks so much!

love it

@MadihaHasan Thanks! 😃
Very good


I like it!

Excellent !!!!!!!!!!
I ❤ ❤ ❤ this!!!!

Very good !!
I love this font but when I use it (I use a macbook), how the letters look like is incomplete.

@TamaraLis @jyotipai63 @EverythingFonts @Kalegley @MarkoTomas @Ixbick @hailinh
Thanks so much!!!! 😃

@knuamorin What do you mean exactly?

@MistiFonts I'm having the same trouble as @knuamorin. I wish I could upload a screen shot. It looks like the top and bottom of the font is cut off.

@MistiFonts If you can share your email address I can send you a screen shot. 😄

@imnslp You can email me here: http://mistifonts.com/contact/

@knuamorin and @imnslp, have you tried changing your line spacing?

so nice

@ivym21 Thanks! 😃

NICE tho

@terhasgirlloveit Thanks so much!
Best font EVER!!!

@mara7476 Awww thanks! <3

I can't believe I didn't use this font sooner, its awesome

ikr! cant help saying this but... SO COOL!
love it

love it 😄


I love watermelons!!!!!!!!

@CrystalWings I'm glad you like it!

@terhasgirlloveit Thanks! 😄

@hxnyiii <3

@ReverseImageSearch <3 😄

@Snowfont123 Me too!!!!

@Lukas6903 Thanks 😄

Hi, I love your fonts!! I am having though the same problem some of your users, I have a Mac, once I am in Word, letter appear incomplete from bottom and top, is there something I am doing wrong?
How to donate and use for commercial use?





Whats a good font to pair this with?

@ljramirez25 I think a clean, handwriting font would look good with this. For example, my fonts Spring is Coming or Springtime in April. Also, my font Better Together is a mono weight, bouncy script and provides a nice contrast to Watermelon Script. I hope this helps!
I love this font, but mine also is cutting off the top and bottom on my mac. I've tried changing the spacing. Is there anything else I can do?

@autumnwright26 Please send me a message here: https://mistifonts.com/contact/
Wow- this font is beautiful...
this font is beautiful, but I'm having the same problem as some people above. my letters aren't connected, and don't seen to be complete.... does it have something to do with my computer being a mac?

Hi my letters don't seem to be connecting to each other

@stlauer @Keating1981 Please send me a message here: https://mistifonts.com/contact/

Everything that @MistiFonts makes is cute and eye catching from October twilight to watermelon script! Pls keep making calligraphy fonts!

Upper cute font! I love it. ❤️


I like it!