538Lyons Logo Text Font

About 538Lyons Logo Text Font
538Lyons Logo Text Font is a Logo font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 2,942 times and added to 37 collections. 4 people have liked 538Lyons Logo Text Font and given it a thumbs up.
538Lyons Logo Text Font was recently updated on Jul 30, 2015
Regular Style
More info from 538Fonts
538Lyons Logo Text (aka E4 Digital Text) is a text version of 538Lyons' profile picture logo or a modified E4 Digital Lowercase font.
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@629Lyric Hi Jack. Yes, my 538Lyons logo is E4 style. I actually got the font from dafont.com
Here's the link to how/where I got the font: http://www.dafont.com/uk-tv-logos.font
@DLyonsFont What I ment was how'd you get the numbers to look like the main 4?
@629Lyric I don't get it.
@629Lyric Get the numbers to look like the main 4? Maybe I only used the E4 Digital font's numbers?
@DLyonsFont What I meant by "The Big 4" was this:
@629Lyric I actually didn't do that.
@DLyonsFont It was one of your past profile pics.
OH! I made the numbers look like the previous!
Well, I did this with Photoshop.
Here's how I did it:
While I started a new document, I called up my Type Tool, and typed it 538. Then I clicked on the layer to accept the text, and open the layer style window. I clicked Stroke, and I changed the stroke frame to a max or min number. Then, I repeat the process until 538 logo looks exactly like the E4 logo.
Hope that helps.
@DLyonsFont Just wanted to know how you did it. Thanks.
@629Lyric NP.
Cool! By the way, your profile pic, the one styled like the E4 logo? How'd you get the font for "The Big 4" housing the "Slanted E"?