Alone Together Script Font

Alone Together Script Font
Roland Huse Design avatar

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About Alone Together Script Font

Alone Together Script Font is a Tattoo font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 8,775 times and added to 637 collections. 26 people have liked Alone Together Script Font and given it a thumbs up.

Alone Together Script Font was recently updated on Jun 26, 2020

Regular Style

Alone Together Script Demo Regular
truetype 63 glyphs 64 characters
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    More info from Roland Huse Design

    Alone Together Script is a tattoo style typeface. This is the Demo version and is free for personal use only.

    The full version comes with with size-variable swashes and open type features such as stylistic alternates for lowercase letters as well as some contextual replacements for final forms of a. c d e f h k l m n o q r t u v w x z and entrance stroke versions for r s and z.

    As for extra swashes hyphen (-) and underscore (_) have also 2 alternates.
    This font is a contribution to Covid relief funds and individuals who are in need, 50% of sales goes this cause. There is also a challenge on social media where you can submit your artwork featuring this font with a hashtag #alonetogetherfont at @alonetogetherfont on instagram or facebook!

    Font introduction video on youtube
    OpenType Guide PDF:

    Special thanks to the Photography and music that is exclusive to this font :
    •  Empty streets of New York by Kelly Lockett @kellylockk
    • “Time” soundtrack by Zoltan Valter (STU Recordings) @sturecordings

    License Info



    Commercial licenses

    Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.

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