Amaz DooM Font

About Amaz DooM Font
Amaz DooM Font is a Doom font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 50,111 times and added to 603 collections. 20 people have liked Amaz DooM Font and given it a thumbs up.
Amaz DooM Font was recently updated on Mar 26, 2020
6 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 144 glyphs 175 characters
AmazDooMRight2 Style
truetype 144 glyphs 175 characters
AmazDooMRightOutline Style
truetype 144 glyphs 175 characters
AmazDooMLeft Style
truetype 145 glyphs 175 characters
2 Regular Style
truetype 145 glyphs 175 characters
Outline Regular Style
truetype 145 glyphs 175 characters
More info from Amazingmax fonts
Based from DooM video game logo.
License Info
Can I really use this font commercial? I wann use it for apparel, Mugs and so on for sale, or may I get trouble due to the Doom Game? Please let me know if this work. Thanks