Anglodavek Font

About Anglodavek Font
Anglodavek Font is a Dungeons and Dragons font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 13,810 times and added to 282 collections. 15 people have liked Anglodavek Font and given it a thumbs up.
Anglodavek Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
4 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 189 glyphs 242 characters
Bold Style
truetype 190 glyphs 242 characters
Bold Italic Style
truetype 190 glyphs 242 characters
Italic Style
truetype 189 glyphs 242 characters
More info from Pixel Sagas
AngloDavek is an English-readable version of the fantasy 'Davek runes' script. The font is heavily based on classic "Futhark" style runes and meant to envoke a dwarvish feel. Includes full alphabet, extended punctuation, euro. Includes regular bold, italic, and bold-italic faces.
License Info
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