Aurebesh AF Font

Aurebesh AF Font
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About Aurebesh AF Font

Aurebesh AF Font is a Aurebesh font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 7,692 times and added to 231 collections. 23 people have liked Aurebesh AF Font and given it a thumbs up.

Aurebesh AF Font was recently updated on Sep 23, 2020

4 font family styles

Canon Style

Aurebesh AF Canon
postscript 155 glyphs 202 characters

Legends Style

Aurebesh AF Legends
postscript 155 glyphs 202 characters

CanonTech Style

Aurebesh AF Canon Tech
postscript 155 glyphs 202 characters

LegendsTech Style

Aurebesh AF Legends Tech
postscript 155 glyphs 202 characters
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    More info from AurekFonts

    The best Aurebesh font we could make. (Includes Canon and Legends.)

    License Info

    Public Domain



    Related Styles


    user avatar
    4 years ago

    How do I get it to make the combined letters? (i.e. TH or NG)

    user avatar
    4 years ago

    @DaxOrien Install Aurebesh AF Legends. The combined letters will be applied automatically as you type.

    user avatar
    3 years ago

    I am having trouble getting the full font family to show up in my programs. I have downloaded and installed all 4 files and they all show up in my systems font setting as a font family. However, when I open a program to use it (such as the adobe programs) the Canon Style is the only one available. Do you know why this could be an how I can fix it? I am using Windows 10 and Adobe CS5 if that makes a difference.

    user avatar
    3 years ago

    @gelfrog93 that is pretty odd behavior. I will look into it and let you know what I figure out. (Thanks for including OS and software, btw)