Aurebesh AF Font

About Aurebesh AF Font
Aurebesh AF Font is a Aurebesh font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 7,692 times and added to 231 collections. 23 people have liked Aurebesh AF Font and given it a thumbs up.
Aurebesh AF Font was recently updated on Sep 23, 2020
4 font family styles
Canon Style
Legends Style
CanonTech Style
LegendsTech Style
More info from AurekFonts
The best Aurebesh font we could make. (Includes Canon and Legends.)
License Info
Related Styles
@DaxOrien Install Aurebesh AF Legends. The combined letters will be applied automatically as you type.
I am having trouble getting the full font family to show up in my programs. I have downloaded and installed all 4 files and they all show up in my systems font setting as a font family. However, when I open a program to use it (such as the adobe programs) the Canon Style is the only one available. Do you know why this could be an how I can fix it? I am using Windows 10 and Adobe CS5 if that makes a difference.
@gelfrog93 that is pretty odd behavior. I will look into it and let you know what I figure out. (Thanks for including OS and software, btw)
How do I get it to make the combined letters? (i.e. TH or NG)