Aurebesh Font

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About Aurebesh Font

Aurebesh Font is a Aurebesh font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 16,366 times and added to 373 collections. 17 people have liked Aurebesh Font and given it a thumbs up.

Aurebesh Font was recently updated on Aug 20, 2014

7 font family styles

Bold Style

Aurebesh Bold
truetype 109 glyphs 242 characters

Bold Italic Style

Aurebesh Bold Italic
truetype 110 glyphs 242 characters

Condensed Regular Style

Aurebesh Condensed
truetype 109 glyphs 242 characters

Condensed Bold Style

Aurebesh Condensed Bold
truetype 109 glyphs 242 characters

Condensed Bold Italic Style

Aurebesh Condensed Bold Italic
truetype 109 glyphs 242 characters

Condensed Italic Style

Aurebesh Condensed Italic
truetype 109 glyphs 242 characters

Italic Style

Aurebesh Italic
truetype 111 glyphs 242 characters
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    More info from Pixel Sagas

    Aurebesh is based on the legendary Star Wars "Galactic Standard" typeface. This version of the font is based on the old RPG version from West End Games and includes all canonical characters. Includes bold, italic, bold-italic and condensed versions of the above.

    License Info

    Freeware, commercial use requires donation

    Commercial licenses

    Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.

    Related Styles


    user avatar
    almost 6 years ago

    I love it , it adds credibility to my Star Wars related work.

    user avatar
    4 years ago

    this is just missing ae, eo, kh, ng, oo, sh, th and ch combination letters