Avignon Font

About Avignon Font
Avignon Font is a Metal font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 17,311 times and added to 220 collections. 12 people have liked Avignon Font and given it a thumbs up.
Avignon Font was recently updated on Mar 7, 2010
2 font family styles
Regular Style
truetype 85 glyphs 394 characters
NF Regular Style
truetype 87 glyphs 214 characters
More info from Nick's Fonts
This font was inspired by an advertisement designed by
A. Erdmann in 1920, reproduced above.
The font consists of two complete alphabets and sets
of numerals, as well as separate spaces, filigree elements and a very limited set of punctuation.
License Info
How do I get the filigree elements? Thx.