Bad Eyes Wireframe Font

About Bad Eyes Wireframe Font
Bad Eyes Wireframe Font is a Optical Illusion font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 2,593 times and added to 44 collections. 4 people have liked Bad Eyes Wireframe Font and given it a thumbs up.
Bad Eyes Wireframe Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
2 font family styles
Italic Style
Regular Style
More info from alisaptamarza
Note: This font was inspired by an optical illusion that says "no sex causes bad eyes". It's dificult to read unless you look at it from distance. Use parenleft "(" and parenright ")" to start and end a sentence. Use asciitilde/tilde "~" to create suitable space.
If you like the font or if you use it commercially, please donate any amount via PayPal to <> or contact me by e-mail at the same address.
Thank you for any kind of support!