Boulder Sober Font

About Boulder Sober Font
Boulder Sober Font is a Psychedelic font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,397 times and added to 133 collections. 3 people have liked Boulder Sober Font and given it a thumbs up.
Boulder Sober Font was recently updated on Aug 12, 2021
Regular Style
More info from Cumberland Fontworks
Without going into too much detail, this font is inspired by the following thought: if you're surrounded by people who are tripping, or high, or high on assorted spiritual and philosophical beliefs, you don't NEED to get tripping or high on those things yourself. The contact high is more than sufficient, and life is more than trippy enough. Inspired by Paula's university days, the good, the bad, and the just-plain-weird.
PLEASE CONSIDER HELPING: Paula Repko, who inspired this font, needs your help. Visit
BOULDER SOBER is a full-keyboard set with several additional glyphs for non-U.S. keyboards. Enjoy responsibly!
This font is copyright © 2021 by S. John Ross. "Cumberland Games & Diversions" and this font's title are trademarks of S. John Ross. This font is free for private use only. Any public use, embedded use, commercial use, or use by an organization rather than an individual, requires a paid license; contact the Cumberland Fontworks via email ( or find me on the Web for alternate email addresses if that one isn't working. Additional glyphs (foreign alphabet support, customizations, etc) are available by commission.