BRAINBOXED Font is a Rectangle font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 588 times and added to 13 collections. 0 people have liked BRAINBOXED Font and given it a thumbs up.
BRAINBOXED Font was recently updated on Jul 13, 2022
Regular Style
More info from SpideRaYsfoNtS
Following the dreadful week of war against the Ukraine I wanted to help using the power of my donationware typefaces that I have created over the years for Charity Fonts, I had the idea for this typeface after seeing a recent advert on the TV for the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, I though that if I created the letters based on a box frame I could add curves at the correct places to see if I could make a typeface to help the people of the Ukraine and Afghanistan to that end 50% of the sale of this font will be donated directly to the DEC via their fundraising website links half going to each of their appeals. If you wish to donate more after your purchase please use these links below so we know that you have made your donations after visiting our Etsy Store. Lets help the victim's of this terrible crisis created by one felt by all!
Please help support these two humanitarian charities, this 13 glyph is a lite demo version, for the fully populated version please visit my Etsy Store @