Bristle Brush Script Font

About Bristle Brush Script Font
Bristle Brush Script Font is a Brush Script font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 20,955 times and added to 228 collections. 5 people have liked Bristle Brush Script Font and given it a thumbs up.
Bristle Brush Script Font was recently updated on Mar 11, 2020
2 font family styles
Regular Style
Bristle Brush Script Black Demo Style
More info from Out Of Step Font Company
Bristle Brush Script Regular and Bristle Brush Script Black are calligraphy scripts for modern calligraphy projects. We've captured the essence of writing with a big thick inky brush that's just about to run out of ink. Wide down strokes and thin broken upstrokes, that perfect balance. Our Bristle Brush Script Black variation fills in all the dry brush holes to give a wet brush look.
It's the perfect font for your next creative project, adding a stylish flair to art prints, mugs, pillowcases, and clothing. Alternate characters are provided on the f, n, q, s, u, and y.
Get the full version of Bristle Brush Script Regular and Bristle Brush Script Black (including kerning and lowercase alternates) by visiting our website: