About CANDY INC. Font
CANDY INC. Font is a Baseball font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,848,492 times and added to 8,514 collections. 278 people have liked CANDY INC. Font and given it a thumbs up.
CANDY INC. Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019
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i luv this font its so cool !!
i love it soo much!!!
love this font .xxx.
i use it for pretty much all my homework !!! thankyou <3 😛 😄 :')
This is my fav font it is SOO cute!! x
love it
like it
Like it!!!
I like this font. It's really cute:):)!!!
love this font! so cool
This is like my all time favourite font along with one other, it is awesome xx
i like it! imma use this font on my mobile phone!
i love it... soo cute
how do u make these?
hey me friend lluuuucy likes thisxxx
really cute!!
i love this!
caaauuute <3
hhah I LOVE CANDY <3
@alc1595 right, first of all learn to spell alc lol 😉 then you cant say that its your all time favourite 'along with another one' you're kind of undermining your point there.... just saying. tryin to help out a fellow fontspace man or women
@kristingilmore Please read your private message I sent you. I feel you were very rude to comment like this as my spelling is all correct in the opinion I expressed above. Thank You.
@alc1595 hahaha done, hunny bunny 😃 i also expressed my feelings on the matter in question. to enlighten you, the comment made towards your spelling, was particulalrly revolved to your name... WHAT DOES ALC STAND FOR HUN? 😃 xxxxxxxxxxx're welcome
@kristingilmore okay well, its my enitials. AND I LOVE THIS FONT xxxxxx
wow just wow, so amazing xoxoxoxoxox
Candy... :3
kristingilmore, to enlighten you - the phrase to use in this context would be grammar, and not spelling. And to express my feelings on the matter in question, I think it was completely unnecessary of you to rant and rave about alc1595's grammar. What are you, the Grammar Police? Relax and let people be themselves...geez.
The font is cute, it looks good for a person who is advertising candy, soda or etc.
only the best font on everything! <3
I love it!
serious swagg(:
i love that font.. it's retro and suitable for candy wrappers/chocolate bars!
Awesome! 😃
Its so cool and fresh yet vintage.
Very pretty <3
That cool
i use this for almost everything!!!! loving it
omg! so other font is better than this!!!!!
its so cute!
epic font man nice job!
Love ittttttttttttt~~~
reminds me of the 1900s
where i can get the script tail of that???
@kristingilmore. I feel that you are extremely rude to comment on other peoples spelling when some of your own isn't completely correct either.
really nice, never get bored off this font! 😄
cause i knew you were trouble when you walked in.
lovin it lovin it lovin it 😄
Wow 😃
thank you!
cute script font !
how do you do the underline thing?
how do you do the underline?
@saddet love the wallpaper i love glee as well
@saddet 😄
I <3 it
so coo!
@sivaanitk9 LOve it
Can somebody help me out on how to create the long tail..plz
Flourish = Ctrl + {[ button
lve it 😄
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its rubbish
Love this! x
i love candyeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
@MRgay thank you at least someone speaks the truth
Hola que tal como hago para que me salga el listón del final? deseo asesoría , gracias
love it!
love it !! thanks
very nice ... it was a gift on the front of my boyfriends gift so sexy
😄 <3
No capital N?
where is N ?
Thanks so much!! Love it!
love this
I love this font!so gorgeous
i think its ok
It is ok
buff writing it just like my actual handwriting
yes another great font!
I don't like it
@kashishio i know right
ilove it <3
love it
Damn it.. this is amazing..
great font thanks
@littlemissrainbow97 I bet teachers get a little sick of that, sorry kid.
@tors please watch your language youngness are on this site!
hi im at school and im using this font for my poster, thanks its really cool
I think it's good but some letters are hard to see
However it is AMAZBALLING FABOULOUS if you write Aya in green 😄
Amazing font, good job!
cute font ily!!
very nice
i ll use it for sure
it good
Very gorgeous font 😄
i love thx you !
Как этот шрифт скачать? 😡
Я не знаю, извините : ]
This Font reminds me of Candy Crush!! soooooooo cool!! So Creative 😄
hey there...I love it can I steal it from uh.. 😛
awesome font bro
@saddet hermoso ♥
reminds me of the 1900s
woah sweet font
ya@ i like it. its COOL
@xXshauntaeXx Maagic.
Very nice and beautiful
I like This Font
Very beautifulle so i like it
very impressive font! I will use it for my future projects
Muchas gracias!! Me encanta
A brilliant font. Thanks for your work!
Sweet tenan
Your fonts are awesome!
Good job man! 😃
Wow, it's so nice!
Great) I like it very much)
I WOVE DIS FONT!!!!!!!!!!