Celeb Faces Font

About Celeb Faces Font
Celeb Faces Font is a Dingbats font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 39,706 times and added to 281 collections. 18 people have liked Celeb Faces Font and given it a thumbs up.
Regular Style
More info from Famous People
Celeb Faces Font is produced by http://People.FamousWhy.com and it is dedicated to some of the most famous people in the world (each letter corresponds to a celebrity).
You are free to use this font and to distribute it freely as long as it comes with the full .zip file containing the license.txt file.
You may use this font on celebrities websites, blogs, forums or any other celebrity related material such as banners, icons, wallpapers, backgrounds, buttons and any other graphic element but don't forget to mention about people.famouswhy.com when you use it.
The official page for this font is :
Here are some celebrities you may find in this font : Angelina Jolie, Barrack Obama, Tom Cruise, X-Zibit, Kim Kardashian, Will Smith, George Clooney, Oprah Winfrey, Halle Bery, Paris Hilton, Frank Sinatra, Usher, Quentin Tarantino and more...
You may use the following page for any question about this font:
Copyright © 2010, All rights reserved.
http://www.FamousWhy.com - The Encyclopedia of Famous Things
License Info
Related Styles
@fontologist thank you very much for your ratings.
Who are S and V?
@fontologist I think it's Shakira, no clue about V though
S is Shakira and V is Vanessa Hudgens
D is David Beckham
who is j?
I like this!Keep it Up!
Love the Robert Pattinson one 😄
Great work on this font!
My brother and I was staring at Robert Pattinson for half an hour then finally worked it out...It was lots of fun though!! Really cold in Canada, so nothing better to do...
I like the way the letters correspond to the people's initials, so it's easy to find where everything is.