Celtic Font

About Celtic Font
Celtic Font is a Gaelic font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 264,309 times and added to 2,078 collections. 69 people have liked Celtic Font and given it a thumbs up.
Celtic Font was recently updated on May 11, 2008
(Plain) Style
License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles
This font when downloaded is NOT the same as on display above.
@aycs It actually is the same. You probably have a different font already installed with the name "Celtic", in which case opening the new one will show the old one. This is just how windows works with identical font names 😕
@fontspace No Font called celtic has been installed until i installed this one.
I have found out that the font above is identical to stonehenge regular
Y r the accented letters not displayed?
@sexiest88suzy speak properly!
@fontspace any idea how we can contact Sam Wang? We are interested in using it for commercial use.
After download, the bottom part of the word is visible. It DOES NOT look like the displayed font. I do not have any other fonts titled "Celtic".
Love it.
Celtic font is very suitable for my purposes. Thank you for the access to such lovely work. Cheers,
hummm...i think i will get this lettering for my ink that will be done tonight=] ima gonna go look sum more , then i will be fulling decidable