Cinzel Font

About Cinzel Font
Cinzel Font is a Trajan font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 55,498 times and added to 616 collections. 25 people have liked Cinzel Font and given it a thumbs up.
Cinzel Font was recently updated on Dec 6, 2012
3 font family styles
Black Style
Bold Style
Regular Style
More info from Natanael Gama
Cinzel is a typeface inspired in first century roman inscriptions, and based on classical proportions. However it’s not a simple revivalism, while it conveys all the ancient history of the latin alphabet it also merges a contemporary feel onto it
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@Nate547 I think this is not a subtitute of Trajan
@SpacedFonts Sure it's not a lookalike or a clone with a different name, but Cinzel works just as well or better if you don't have the 50 quid to shell out for Adobe Trajan. Honestly I think it works a little better actually.
Very good free Trajan substitute with alot of extra characters 😄