Cublox Font

About Cublox Font
Cublox Font is a Roblox font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 43,076 times and added to 302 collections. 52 people have liked Cublox Font and given it a thumbs up.
Cublox Font was recently updated on Jul 19, 2019
2 font family styles
Regular Style
Cublox Style
More info from CataArchive
Changelog for version 3.0 (1/9/2017):
*Redesigned letters
*Added some language characters
*Added some characters
Goal for version 4.0:
*Nothing special
Changelog for version 2.0 (10/16/2016):
*Added numbers
*Added some punctuation's
*Added quotation, exclamation and question marks
*Fixed: Roblox logo replaced as Cublox logo
Goal for version 3.0:
*Redesigning letters
*Add some language characters
*Add some characters
Changelog for version 1.0 (10/9/2016):
*Font was created
*Added letters
Goal for version 2.0:
*Add numbers
*Add some punctuation's
*Add quotation, exclamation and question marks
Source: and
License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles
type "rōblox" in this font. (copy and paste the "ō")
where is outline
how do you make an outline, i saw other people doing it
oh and to make outline, its simple: I Forgor. 💀💀💀💀
if your on mobile use ibis x paint
if you want lowercase use this font
Do the lowercases.