Cybertron Font
About Cybertron Font
Cybertron Font is a Transformers font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 21,556 times and added to 82 collections. 5 people have liked Cybertron Font and given it a thumbs up.
Cybertron Font was recently updated on Apr 2, 2015
16 font family styles
Regular Style
Bold Style
Bold Italic Style
Condensed Regular Style
Condensed Bold Style
Condensed Bold Italic Style
Condensed Italic Style
Italic Style
Moviecaps Regular Style
Cybertron Moviecaps Style
Moviecaps Bold Style
Cybertron Moviecaps Bold Style
Moviecaps Bold Italic Style
Cybertron Moviecaps Bold Italic Style
Moviecaps Italic Style
Cybertron Moviecaps Italic Style
More info from Pixel Sagas
This bold typeface is based on the original logo of Hasbro’s legendary “Transformers” toyline. The basic font includes all alphanumerics, extended punctuation, Euro, and comes in regular, bold, italic, and bold-italic weights. Also includes ‘moviecaps’ version which is modified to resemble the logo of the first three Michael Bay films. Lastly includes condensed versions of all of the above to be more suitable to print. 16 variations in all!
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