DIMENSIONAL MULTIVERSE Font is a Calendar font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 860 times and added to 10 collections. 2 people have liked DIMENSIONAL MULTIVERSE Font and given it a thumbs up.
DIMENSIONAL MULTIVERSE Font was recently updated on Dec 9, 2021
Regular Style
More info from SpideRaYsfoNtS
The challenge I have set myself is to create and publish one new typeface everyday for the 24 days on the lead up to Christmas, I have several ideas in the pipeline, I released my OMICRON VARIANT @ https://etsy.me/3xCItDj a few days earlier at the end of November so I guess thats my first, this will be my third, with CHILDHOOD NIGHTMARE @ https://etsy.me/3o9wwlD the second day advent, so far I am at least one day ahead! Check out my AdventFonts progress @ https://bit.ly/3rMJ8kY
The dimensionality of a multiverse depends on the specific interpretation of the multiverse taken. A simple conception of a multiverse is five dimensional, with several four dimensional universe-"lines" arranged in a stack in a five dimensional space. This typeface has been designed in a 4 x 5 matrix with rounded apex and stems to emulate this configuration dare you enter the DIMENSIONAL MULTIVERSE and meet your mutliple copies of yourself you might even meet your Interdimensional Doppelgänger?
This demo version has 13 glyphs for the full version please visit my Etsy Store @ https://etsy.me/3ofwtVw