DK Louise Font

About DK Louise Font
DK Louise Font is a Cubism font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,292 times and added to 36 collections. 1 people have liked DK Louise Font and given it a thumbs up.
DK Louise Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019
Regular Style
postscript 160 glyphs 161 characters
More info from David Kerkhoff
This is the demo version of Louise. It is free for personal use, but commercial use requires a donation. Information about the donation and use of the font can be found in the ReadMe file inside the zip. A full version of this font is also available: it includes kerning, alternates and all glyphs + diacritics. Please contact me for more info.
License Info
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
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