Dosis Font

Dosis Font
Pablo Impallari avatar

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About Dosis Font

Dosis Font is a Dosis font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 125,151 times and added to 873 collections. 57 people have liked Dosis Font and given it a thumbs up.

Dosis Font was recently updated on Dec 13, 2012

5 font family styles

Bold Style

Dosis Bold
truetype 412 glyphs 407 characters

Book Style

Dosis Book
truetype 412 glyphs 407 characters

Light Style

Dosis Light
truetype 412 glyphs 407 characters

Medium Style

Dosis Medium
truetype 412 glyphs 407 characters

SemiBold Style

Dosis SemiBold
truetype 412 glyphs 407 characters
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    More info from Pablo Impallari

    Dosis is a very simple, rounded, sans serif family.
    The lighter weights are minimalist. The bolder weights have more personality. The medium weight is nice and balanced.
    The overall result is a family that's clean and modern, and can express a wide range of voices & feelings.

    It comes in 7 incremental weights: ExtraLight, Light, Book, Medium, Semibold, Bold & ExtraBold

    License Info

    SIL Open Font License (OFL)

    Related Styles


    user avatar
    12 years ago

    It's a very nice design.... but lower g bugs me a bit. It doesn't look like it fits in 😕

    user avatar
    12 years ago

    @WolfLambert Could you point out the Unicode address? I'm not seeing it.

    user avatar
    12 years ago

    I'm adding this set to my wishlist of type faces to be cast for letterpress printing. Elegant, clean, and beautiful to look at when composed on a single page.

    user avatar
    12 years ago

    Thank you very much 😄

    user avatar
    12 years ago

    @WolfLambert Well actually I called it the wrong thing 😞 The CSS character tag is what's given on the Character Map (when you click "view all"). Like the regular lower "g" is at g

    user avatar
    12 years ago

    @WolfLambert There are 11 glyphs that have no unicode mapping, that is why they don't show up in the charmap. However, these can be used for OpenType features. I should really find a way to show these "hidden" glyphs without having to open up additional software ...

    user avatar
    12 years ago

    @fontspace Oh, I see now 😛 Shows me for not looking closely enough at the poster. Several alternate characters are used there.

    user avatar
    11 years ago

    I want to use this font for my college design competition, thanks

    user avatar
    7 years ago

    Love it!