dPoly Imperial Font
About dPoly Imperial Font
dPoly Imperial Font is a Star Wars font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 10,301 times and added to 183 collections. 6 people have liked dPoly Imperial Font and given it a thumbs up.
Regular Style
truetype 58 glyphs 242 characters Dingbat
More info from Pixel Sagas
This download includes the dPoly Imperial font, a new version of the popular dPoly Hexagon font which is designed specifically for fans of the Star Wars and similar series of role-playing games. The font includes “Aurebesh” style six-sided die in white and black, fate symbols, blank d12 and d8 symbols, and numerous Imperial and Republic symbols to make gaming in the galaxy a bit easier.
License Info
Freeware, commercial use requires donation
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
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