E4 Digital Arcade Font

About E4 Digital Arcade Font
E4 Digital Arcade Font is a Arcade font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 2,222 times and added to 39 collections. 5 people have liked E4 Digital Arcade Font and given it a thumbs up.
Regular Style
truetype 93 glyphs 204 characters
More info from 538Fonts
An arcade creation of E4 Digital.
License Info
Creative Commons (by-nc-sa) Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
Related Styles
9 years ago@GranadalandDreamer It's custom design. Sorry, its too hard to do so.
9 years agoNo glyph for the slanted E?
9 years ago@J4XM4N This font can be updated.
9 years ago@J4XM4N I updated the font so the uppercase E is "The Slanted-E".
9 years ago@DLyonsFont Could you at least try, please?
9 years ago@GranadalandDreamer No.
Ok, so, 538, you are my last hope. 629 is off for the summer, and he can't do any fonts, and he couldn't do this font, so I decided if ANYONE could do a logo based typeface, it'd be you.
So, can this please be turned into a font?