Edge of the Galaxy Font

About Edge of the Galaxy Font
Edge of the Galaxy Font is a Space font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 201,052 times and added to 4,246 collections. 116 people have liked Edge of the Galaxy Font and given it a thumbs up.
Edge of the Galaxy Font was recently updated on May 4, 2020
4 font family styles
Regular Style
Italic Style
Poster Style
Poster Italic Style
More info from Quinn Davis Type
Edge of the Galaxy, a font where no man has gone before.
Inspired by the Star Trek logo and the font Horizon by Bitstream, This font follows a slant design to work as a space age corporate font. It's also super tight, for use on display and posters.
License Info
Related Styles
hey, does Public Domain mean Commercial Free font? Sorry i'm new to this.
francisdesigns and Gamezz
This font is for non-commercial use only. Beware! If u made a game that isn't 100% free you may have some problems.
Hello, I used your Font for my logo in my photography as a watermark. Is that fine?
It says public domain and it shows up in commercial use. So I should be able to use it in a game right?
wow someone just lied in the comments lol
this font is free to use
@QuinnDavisType Im writing a science fiction novel and would love to use your fonts for the cover art. Would I need to credit you?
@LisaMWriter Public domain means all copyright has been given up and it belongs to the public, so you can do whatever you want with it.
Hi, I used your Font in one of my games, how can I credit you?