Encode Sans Font

Encode Sans Font
Pablo Impallari avatar

Designed by

About Encode Sans Font

Encode Sans Font is a Professional font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 7,437 times and added to 163 collections. 2 people have liked Encode Sans Font and given it a thumbs up.

Encode Sans Font was recently updated on Aug 1, 2019

45 font family styles

Regular Style

Encode Sans Regular
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Expanded Regular Style

Encode Sans Expanded Regular
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Condensed Regular Style

Encode Sans Condensed Regular
truetype 1175 glyphs 687 characters

SemiExpanded Regular Style

Encode Sans SemiExpanded Regular
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiCondensed Regular Style

Encode Sans SemiCondensed Regular
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Light Style

Encode Sans Light
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Expanded Light Style

Encode Sans Expanded Light
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Condensed Light Style

Encode Sans Condensed Light
truetype 1175 glyphs 687 characters

SemiExpanded Light Style

Encode Sans SemiExpanded Light
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiCondensed Light Style

Encode Sans SemiCondensed Light
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Bold Style

Encode Sans Bold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Expanded Bold Style

Encode Sans Expanded Bold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Condensed Bold Style

Encode Sans Condensed Bold
truetype 1175 glyphs 687 characters

SemiExpanded Bold Style

Encode Sans SemiExpanded Bold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiCondensed Bold Style

Encode Sans SemiCondensed Bold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Black Style

Encode Sans Black
truetype 1175 glyphs 687 characters

Expanded Black Style

Encode Sans Expanded Black
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Condensed Black Style

Encode Sans Condensed Black
truetype 1174 glyphs 687 characters

SemiExpanded Black Style

Encode Sans SemiExpanded Black
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiCondensed Black Style

Encode Sans SemiCondensed Black
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Thin Style

Encode Sans Thin
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Expanded Thin Style

Encode Sans Expanded Thin
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Condensed Thin Style

Encode Sans Condensed Thin
truetype 1174 glyphs 687 characters

SemiExpanded Thin Style

Encode Sans SemiExpanded Thin
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiCondensed Thin Style

Encode Sans SemiCondensed Thin
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Medium Style

Encode Sans Medium
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Expanded Medium Style

Encode Sans Expanded Medium
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Condensed Medium Style

Encode Sans Condensed Medium
truetype 1175 glyphs 687 characters

SemiExpanded Medium Style

Encode Sans SemiExpanded Medium
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiCondensed Medium Style

Encode Sans SemiCondensed Medium
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiBold Style

Encode Sans SemiBold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Expanded SemiBold Style

Encode Sans Expanded SemiBold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Condensed SemiBold Style

Encode Sans Condensed SemiBold
truetype 1175 glyphs 687 characters

SemiExpanded SemiBold Style

Encode Sans SemiExpanded SemiBold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiCondensed SemiBold Style

Encode Sans SemiCondensed SemiBold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

ExtraBold Style

Encode Sans ExtraBold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Expanded ExtraBold Style

Encode Sans Expanded ExtraBold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Condensed ExtraBold Style

Encode Sans Condensed ExtraBold
truetype 1175 glyphs 687 characters

SemiExpanded ExtraBold Style

Encode Sans SemiExpanded ExtraBold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiCondensed ExtraBold Style

Encode Sans SemiCondensed ExtraBold
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

ExtraLight Style

Encode Sans ExtraLight
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Expanded ExtraLight Style

Encode Sans Expanded ExtraLight
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

Condensed ExtraLight Style

Encode Sans Condensed ExtraLight
truetype 1175 glyphs 687 characters

SemiExpanded ExtraLight Style

Encode Sans SemiExpanded ExtraLight
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters

SemiCondensed ExtraLight Style

Encode Sans SemiCondensed ExtraLight
truetype 1176 glyphs 687 characters
    Free Download Share

    More info from Pablo Impallari

    The Encode Sans family is a versatile workhorse. Featuring a huge range of weights and widths, it's ready for all kind of typographic challenges. It also includes Tabular and Old Style figres, as well as full set of Small Caps and other Open Type features.

    Designed by Pablo Impallari and Andres Torresi.

    Source: https://github.com/impallari/Encode-Sans
    Other places: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Encode+Sans, https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/encode-sans , https://www.1001fonts.com/encode-sans-font.html , https://www.1001freefonts.com/encode-sans.font

    License Info

    SIL Open Font License (OFL)

    Related Styles


    user avatar
    5 years ago

    Awesome typeface, one of my bigtime faves!