Finger Paint Font
About Finger Paint Font
Finger Paint Font is a Finger Painting font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,860 times and added to 94 collections. 11 people have liked Finger Paint Font and given it a thumbs up.
Finger Paint Font was recently updated on Oct 16, 2018
Regular Style
More info from Carrois Apostrophe
Finger Paint was designed by Ralph du Carrois.
Build a complete font in one hour. In the beginning Finger Paint was just an
experiment with Illustrator artistic brushes but then actually became a real
Its name stands for itself. And, yes, it took a liiiiitle bit more than one
hour to make it a working typeface.
Finger Paint is a Unicode typeface that supports
languages that use the Latin script and its variants, and
could be expanded to support other scripts.
Please could you make a closed four in this wonderful font?