FoglihtenNo07 Font

About FoglihtenNo07 Font
FoglihtenNo07 Font is a Latin font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 393,462 times and added to 5,677 collections. 131 people have liked FoglihtenNo07 Font and given it a thumbs up.
FoglihtenNo07 Font was recently updated on Feb 19, 2024
2 font family styles
Regular Style
calt Regular Style
More info from gluk
09.12.2013 - ver.0.841 with new initial forms, and new ligatures.
And with additional new font FoglihtenNo07calt - version with initial and terminal alternates as default (contextual alternates), and alternate "r" (from stylisticSet02).
19.02.2024 - ver.0.871 small changes
License Info
Related Styles
This looks a nice font , thanks for upload here man 😄
LOVE this beautiful font!!
FoglihtenNo07 ver.0.84 with many new glyphs and ligatures.
Love this font
Looks very beautiful... Great job! (:
Nice looking font here.
Nice font, thanks.
amazing! thanks a lot!
How do you get the font to make the small letter between the words - like - the "t" on contextual?
@anabeladesign how do you get the font to make the small letter between the words?? like the "t" in contextual
@gluk I downloaded this font when you didn't update it. Then when I found it was updated (P.S That was AWESOME) I redownloaded it, but then I couldn't get the updated one. :((
I love this font! So far I've used it for my school project and my work books 😄
I'm new to this. Spectacular font. How do you get to the embellishments as shown in the alt samples. I've downloaded both styles, but can't seem to find the fancy lettering as shown in the sample I made. Thank you
FoglihtenNo07 ver.0.843 with many new ligatures and contextual alternates.
The C has changed since I last used it. Now it doesn't look so good. All other letters are great, but now C loops under the other letters. Would be nice if it was back to the way it was.
wspanialy <3
Totally LOVE this one!
Gluk, you are a genius and a big hearted giver. Thank you.
Just signed up and I found this amazing font. This what I have been trying to create, then I find it on here. Well done.