Franxurter Totally Font

Franxurter Totally Font
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About Franxurter Totally Font

Franxurter Totally Font is a Kawaii font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 48,024 times and added to 1,120 collections. 60 people have liked Franxurter Totally Font and given it a thumbs up.

Franxurter Totally Font was recently updated on Dec 31, 2019

2 font family styles

Fat Style

Franxurter Totally Fat
truetype 482 glyphs 501 characters

Medium Style

Franxurter Totally Medium
truetype 701 glyphs 747 characters
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    More info from Ultra Cool Fonts

    Hello and I want to thank you for choosing Franxurter Totally, my impression of Nick, Alan, and Bob's Frankfurter and Casady & Greene's Rocko!
    You mostly may see the same old design in Max & Ruby, as seen on Nick Jr.—even on Nick Jr. on Pluto TV, but you also may see it in lots of other stuff.
    Like the original Franxurter, you can use it for birthday parties, 80's-type parties, box office supplies, recipe books, toy catalogues, and many other things. Party like it’s 1981 (or so), and mind your F's and X's.

    'Frankfurter' was originally designed by Nick Belshaw, Alan Meeks, and Bob Newman, and 'Rocko' was originally designed by Robin Casady, Richard Ware, and Michael Wright.
    Franxurter Totally Medium supports Western-, Eastern-, Central-European, Baltic, Greek, and Cyrillic languages as well as support for DOS character sets.
    Franxurter Totally Fat supports Western- and Central-European, Turkish, and Russian languages as well as a few Greek symbols, and they are: α β Γ γ δ ε Θ θ λ μ Π π Σ σ τ Φ φ Ω
    Both contain mathematical and other symbols, such as: ∈ ∋ ⊆ ⊇ ⊂ ⊃ ∪ ∩ ∧ ∨ ♥ ♠ ♦ ♣ ♂ ♀ ♪ ♭ ♯ ☎ ★

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    user avatar
    4 years ago

    can this font be used for commercial used?

    user avatar
    1 week ago

    I love kawaii graphics which is why I use this font on Scratch.