French Grotesque Font

About French Grotesque Font
French Grotesque Font is a French font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 9,123 times and added to 73 collections. 1 people have liked French Grotesque Font and given it a thumbs up.
French Grotesque Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019
Normal Style
More info from Jonathan Paterson
"Grotesque" is one of the most misused words in typography. In this case, it has its normal, non-typographic meaning, as French Grotesque is roughly based on a series described simply as "lettres grotesques" (grotesque letters) shown in a specimen sheet issued by the Deberny foundry in Paris in 1910. Deberny produced the series as outline and fill fonts for two-colour printing in 18 pt., 24 pt. and 36 pt. sizes. A hollow version, similar to the outline but with no fill, was available in 10, 12, 18, 24 and 36 points.
The specimen sheet shows only a few words in each size. In most cases I have followed the design of the letters shown, and I have added missing letters and a full Adobe Standard character set. Two pairs of ornaments shown in the specimen sheet are in the [ ] and { } positions.
French Grotesque was drawn in Fontographer 3.5 on a Windows computer, and FontLab 2.5 was used extensively in correcting and refining the font. The Macintosh versions were generated with Fontographer 4.0.4.