FriendshipCode Font
About FriendshipCode Font
FriendshipCode Font is a Fictional Language font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 994 times and added to 23 collections. 4 people have liked FriendshipCode Font and given it a thumbs up.
FriendshipCode Font was recently updated on Oct 21, 2011
Regular Style
truetype 69 glyphs 68 characters
More info from FriendshipCube
Friendship Code for Friendship Cube.
License Info
The 6 symbols on the "Friendship Cube" rotate and combine to form this efficient 22bit phonetic binary code that has applications as a "light-code"… useful for wearable technology. We use the friendship cube code to make a kind of statement about Globalization and communication in this digital age. This font is a kind of phonetic language for a globalizing world embracing digital code as core.