Funtastic Font

About Funtastic Font
Funtastic Font is a Mothers Day font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,039 times and added to 22 collections. 0 people have liked Funtastic Font and given it a thumbs up.
Funtastic Font was recently updated on Jul 1, 2021
Regular Style
More info from rochart
My fonts for free use are allowed only in personal projects, and non-profit.
If you make money/ use for commercial using my fonts, Please purchase a commercial license.
For EXTENDED License : APPS, UNLIMITED WEB VIEW, BROADCAST and CORPORATE LICENSE, we recommended to purchase here:
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Anyone who uses personal use fonts for commercial needs without buying a commercial license and without permission from the author, will be subject to fines.
Menggunakan font ini untuk kebutuhan komersil tanpa membeli lisensinya terlebih dahulu akan dikenakan
biaya pelanggaran sebesar Rp 35.000.000 (tiga puluh lima juta rupiah).