Dr. Charmed Font

About Dr. Charmed Font
Dr. Charmed Font is a Doctor Strange font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 31,629 times and added to 146 collections. 7 people have liked Dr. Charmed Font and given it a thumbs up.
Dr. Charmed Font was recently updated on May 17, 2020
Regular Style
truetype 117 glyphs 242 characters
More info from FZ Fonts
Tipografía usada en los Afiches de Doctor Strange - Hechicero Supremo
Font used in Posters of Doctor Strange
If you want to use this typography commercially donate in the official page: http://fontmovie.blogspot.com/
License Info
Freeware, commercial use requires donation
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
Related Styles
8 years agoÉ possível fazer o logo DOUTOR ESTRANHO com essa fonte ?
8 years ago"Font used in Posters of Doctor Strange"
Not completely...
Thanks, you - Gracias por la Fuente pero podrias hacer la de MI AMIGO EL DRAGÓN
la tipografía es Friz Quadrata pero puedes modificarla por favor