GD-Highway Gothic Font

About GD-Highway Gothic Font
GD-Highway Gothic Font is a Road Signs font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,535 times and added to 37 collections. 11 people have liked GD-Highway Gothic Font and given it a thumbs up.
GD-Highway Gothic Font was recently updated on Oct 19, 2022
2 font family styles
Regular Style
GD-HighwayGothicJA-TTF Style
More info from pumpCurry
GD-Highway Gothic JA (fast font)
Gothic font used for highway signs.
pumpCurry's FontJunction.
Plan to reproduce the characters on the highway
Official name: GD-HighwayGothicJA-OTF (GD-HighwayGothicJA-OTF)
Update history: "As of March 30, 2013 1893 characters Rev111β" Aiming to conquer the 1st level of JIS ('A`) No remaining 1124 characters of the first level kanji (more than 40% remaining)
Planning purpose:
I've been waiting for about 5 years for someone to make one, but no one has.
I decided to make my own. It is a "highway (road public corporation standard character) flavor" font (font).
I update it every time I can do about 4 to 12 characters.
I'm frustrated trying to get all the characters to mix cleanly. orz
*1 Around 5 years = around 2000-2005. *2 I play around with each character for about an hour, depending on the character, for several days straight.
They are called highway sign letters, highway letters, highway fonts, Kodan Gothic, and JH Gothic.
Update information: rev 111b
Correction: Kanji "journey"
Added: Kanji "Dangerous Guardian Star Chuyu"
Kanji (partial)
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