Fractur Font

George Williams avatar

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About Fractur Font

Fractur Font is a Old English font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 5,934 times and added to 57 collections. 4 people have liked Fractur Font and given it a thumbs up.

Fractur Font was recently updated on Nov 13, 2007

Regular Style

truetype 115 glyphs 121 characters
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    License Info

    SIL Open Font License (OFL)

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    user avatar
    13 years ago

    The true name of this font is Wittenbach. However, while being digitalized, the big Z has grown too much; also, the long s is missing. This is of importance in the case of German texts.

    user avatar
    13 years ago

    Compare to both original rather similar German fonts: Schmalfette Fraktur; Schmale deutsche Anzeigenschrift. The difference between the Anglo-Saxon and the German fonts is that the latter do have always bounding elements between some letters, thus making only one of two letters, like f and i , long s and t, t and z, c and h, and so on. They are called Ligaturen in German. Also, long s letters are a must in German texts; normal round s letters are used along with them in the same text, but not instead.

    user avatar
    11 years ago

    One could make a truly similar to Wittenbach font while adding Umlauts and a long s out of f within one hour

    user avatar
    7 years ago

    All the 3 above mentioned narrow fonts are needed explicitly for CD/DVD and web inscriptions.

    user avatar
    3 years ago

    Now, after 9 years later on, the font has grown to the most preferred one for all kinds of inscriptions ever;
    thanks to the author, I'm using it all the day round along with the FracturCondensedHeadline font.