GrimNatwickBettyBoop Font
About GrimNatwickBettyBoop Font
GrimNatwickBettyBoop Font is a Dingbats font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 5,776 times and added to 75 collections. 7 people have liked GrimNatwickBettyBoop Font and given it a thumbs up.
GrimNatwickBettyBoop Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019
4 font family styles
Regular Style
Grim Natwick Betty Style
Grim Natwick Betty Boop Style
Boop Regular Style
More info from Metaphase Brothel Graphix
This font might not be compatible with Windows Vista. Set margins at 0.2 inches or less to use the larger sized glyphs at 72 point size. The zip includes the original two fonts, (at full size and at 2/3 size), with the heart-shaped lips, as well as the revised versions with the historically accurate rounded lips. The monochrome bitmap has been slightly modified from the one used for the font itself; some minor pixel editing was done to smooth the edges.