HomegirlChaiTea Font
About HomegirlChaiTea Font
HomegirlChaiTea Font is a Tipsy font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,349 times and added to 30 collections. 3 people have liked HomegirlChaiTea Font and given it a thumbs up.
HomegirlChaiTea Font was recently updated on Jun 6, 2013
Medium Style
More info from ajb926
You may use this font for free for personal use only.
If you would like to use this font for any small business commercial products, a donation of $5 is required for each font you use. You may also select the option of a one-time $20 donation to use this font, any font I have already posted, or any font I post in the future.
If you would like to use this font for any large business commercial products, please contact me at amandajbyrnes@yahoo.com for more details for purchasing a large commercial license.
You may not distribute, claim, or sell this font as your own.
You may not make the .ttf file available for others to download from you.
Thank you!