HURabbit142 Font
About HURabbit142 Font
HURabbit142 Font is a Kids font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 3,850 times and added to 60 collections. 8 people have liked HURabbit142 Font and given it a thumbs up.
HURabbit142 Font was recently updated on Jul 26, 2019
Regular Style
truetype 116 glyphs 116 characters
More info from Kokeshi Cute
Thanks for download ^^ For more information , and if you want to buy my font, please contact me on @TasyaRahmaA Or invite 27A27F12
License Info
Public Domain
Related Styles
12 years agoI was curious about that too, because it does say it's licensed as public domain.
12 years agoThank you 😄
This is cute, and I have seen it used many times. Question, is it public domain? Because you say in the description that you are selling it to those who want to buy it? Just curious. Thanks!