jarum tajam Font

About jarum tajam Font
jarum tajam Font is a Subtitle font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 1,719 times and added to 5 collections. 3 people have liked jarum tajam Font and given it a thumbs up.
jarum tajam Font was recently updated on Sep 16, 2019
Regular Style
truetype 63 glyphs 64 characters
More info from nsettypograph
here you can download the new font from our studio for personal use, this font is San serif and little touch of gothic,.
this font is suitable for title. sub title, header or headline title, so it only consist letter and number.
If you decide to use this font for commercial, please consider to donate. Any amount of donation would be appreciated. visit our studio : http://noto.web.id
License Info
Freeware, commercial use requires donation
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
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