JLS Data Gothic Font

JLS Data Gothic Font
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About JLS Data Gothic Font

JLS Data Gothic Font is a Anime font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 111,187 times and added to 424 collections. 13 people have liked JLS Data Gothic Font and given it a thumbs up.

JLS Data Gothic Font was recently updated on Jul 13, 2012

4 font family styles

Regular Style

postscript 139 glyphs 142 characters

JLSDataGothic-RNC Style

postscript 136 glyphs 142 characters

JLSSpaceGothic-CNC Style

postscript 138 glyphs 142 characters

JLSSpaceGothic-RNC Style

postscript 139 glyphs 142 characters
    Free Download Share

    More info from the Fontry

    To purchase the full/commercial version of JLS Data Gothic, goto: http://thefontry.com/jlsdatagothic

    If you wish to use this font commercially "as downloaded," a PayPal donation not to exceed $5 US is always appreciated. Use the Donate button on this page for your convenience.

    Everyone remembers their first. JLS Space was my first. It was the first computer format font that I created. The font was inspired by the sci-fi movie posters, book covers and comic books of my childhood. Its crude letterforms were conjured in an all night marathon session with no sketches and no planning. A simple character set, it consisted of upper case, lower case, numbers and basic punctuation. But, the project was little more than an interesting exercise, and JLS Space faded into digital limbo. This unfortunate font was ignored and lost for fifteen years. Mike Adkins, my co-conspirator, found and rescued the font file from the depths of a failing hard drive. He sent the file to me as a curiosity - a glimpse back at our humble beginnings. I started puttering around with it on a whim. Without really trying, Data Gothic began to form. The interesting letter forms in Data and Space Gothic struck a cord, and I was inspired to complete the project almost twenty years after it was started.

    JLS Space Gothic was inspired by the OCR and MICR fonts of the science fiction genre. Today, its character will enhance terms like Computer Diagnostic or Space Age Polymer. Posters, titles and displays will boldly blast off into the market place with these cybernetic letterforms. If Space Gothic is retro and seems limited in its genre, Data Gothic is contemporary with a broad spectrum of uses. This futuristic gothic doesn't sacrifice legibility for style. As a screen font, JLS Data Gothic is excellent for technical specifications, on screen dialogue, labeling, etc. In print, Data Gothic is a great font for text in manuals, schematics, maps and diagrams.

    License Info

    Freeware, Non-Commercial


    Commercial licenses

    Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.

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    user avatar
    almost 11 years ago

    awesome!!! really cool.

    user avatar
    almost 11 years ago

    Thanks, kittythekiller69-!!!