K22 Monastic Font
About K22 Monastic Font
K22 Monastic Font is a Victorian font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 17,631 times and added to 172 collections. 7 people have liked K22 Monastic Font and given it a thumbs up.
K22 Monastic Font was recently updated on Jul 25, 2019
Regular Style
truetype 94 glyphs 107 characters
More info from Toto
K22 Monastic is based on Monastic from Victorian Display Alphabets by Dan X. Solo. The font contains alternate characters for a, m and r found in the [. ] and { characters, respectively. There are some lowercase cyrillic characters (small caps). The font is available in Open Type, True Type and Windows Type 1.
License Info
Freeware, Non-Commercial
Commercial licenses
Contact the designer to purchase a commercial license, if needed.
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