Kana Word Pitch Font

Kana Word Pitch Font
Japanese Pitch avatar

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About Kana Word Pitch Font

Kana Word Pitch Font is a Japanese font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 4,602 times and added to 113 collections. 9 people have liked Kana Word Pitch Font and given it a thumbs up.

Kana Word Pitch Font was recently updated on Oct 1, 2020

Word-Pitch Style

Kana Word Pitch
postscript 913 glyphs 605 characters
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    More info from Japanese Pitch

    This is a font for displaying the pitch marks above Japanese kana words. It's not good for sentences. I was inspired to make this font after seeing Dogen's Youtube videos and I highly recommend you watch them.

    How to use.
    Just type 2 numbers above the kana. The number of mora in a word and it's pitch number. For example you would type 3 and not 4 for かいしゃ since the しゃ is one mora. Find a dictionary that has the pitch numbers like Jsho (not all dictionaries have them) and use that number as the 2nd number.


    When centering be sure to add a non breaking space after the kana so everything stays lined up.

    かいしゃ(put a non breaking space here if you center or right align your text)

    If the number of mora is beyond 9 use upper case letters. This font can do up to up to 13 mora (バニラクリームフラペチーノ).
    Use capital A for 10.
    Use capital B for 11.
    Use capital C for 12.
    Use capital D for 13.

    Known issues
    1.) Chrome for Windows needs font hardware acceleration turned off when rendering long pitch accents (like 8 or more mora). This does not seem to affect Chrome for Android.
    2.) Chrome has a bug that disables ligatures in Unicode characters when the liga tag is used. This causes the spacing for しゃ and others kana ligatures to be off.

    I am an amateur at creating fonts. I am providing this font as is (don't expect any replies to issues you may have). This font was created by modifying the open source SourceHanSansJP-Regular font. I adjusted the spacing, added ligatures, added pitch marks and removed the kanji to reduce the file size. The font for the kanji in the example image in the left column came from the original SourceHanSansJP-Regular font. The pitch accent font in the right column is this font.

    License Info

    SIL Open Font License (OFL)

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    user avatar
    4 years ago

    Greetings! How great of you to make this font! I'm hoping to use it to create some anki flash cards. I've installed the font, and yet, I don't know what it means to "type two humbers above the kana" . Does that mean I need to enter superscript numbers?

    user avatar
    4 years ago

    @ShaneTaylor No super superscripts are needed. You can just type using regular numbers for it to work. For example if you are using Word Just type the 2 numbers and then hit enter and type the kana right below.

    The pitch accents are created with ligatures. For example in many English fonts ft is combined by replacing the f and t glyphs with a single glyph. The replacement glyphs are referred to as ligatures. The pitch marks are the ligatures generated with the numbers / letters (0123456789ABCD).

    user avatar
    3 years ago

    Yeah I can not get it to work in windows for me

    user avatar
    3 years ago


    user avatar
    3 years ago

    I can not get it to work in windows, even typing the number and hitting enter it is not working. Could you help me? I'd love to use this in Word.

    user avatar
    3 years ago

    Word can be a pain if you don't know how to turn on ligatures. Due to the different versions of Word it's not easy for me to give exact instructions. I hope the link above helps. Also be sure if you are using the Japanese version of Word you have it set to English as it's default document type as the default Japanese pages won't support ligatures.; at least in the older versions of Word. I haven't tested on the newer versions.