KG Flavor And Frames Four Font

About KG Flavor And Frames Four Font
KG Flavor And Frames Four Font is a Border font and was created on . Since then, it has been downloaded 142,550 times and added to 1,240 collections. 19 people have liked KG Flavor And Frames Four Font and given it a thumbs up.
KG Flavor And Frames Four Font was recently updated on Sep 24, 2014
Regular Style
More info from Kimberly Geswein
Fun frames and borders in a variety of styles. Note that the pennants can be typed in 2 lengths-- typing abab gives you a continuous pennant border. This works for all of the pennant and bunting styles-- abab, cdcd, efef, ghgh, ijij, etc... :)
Free for personal use. Please pay for commercial use.
License Info
Commercial licenses
Related Styles
Gorgeous! I absolutely love doodle frames.
@mominah I suggest you try making one that is better? Do you realize how labor intensive font creation is?
@mominah Thanks for your input! Have a great day and be blessed! 😄 Thanks for the extra tag you added, too! 😄 I hadn't thought of that one! 😉
Thank you! Just what I was looking for 😄
Love this! These are awesome for layering with your other adorable fonts to create a complete package! Love ove love
waat crap